Published on: January 7, 2014 by Marcus

Incloudibly have started to accept Nextcoin (#NXT), which is an decentralized electronic currency similar to Bitcoin, as a payment method now. Please feel free to place orders and pay for Dedicated Servers, Cloud Virtual Private Servers, Content Delivery Network (CDN), Control Panel licenses, Colocation Hosting, BitTorrent Sync storage and DDoS Protection with Nextcoin - the second-generation cryptocurrency. All payments are processed instantly & automatically. We calculate prices in NXT based on its current market value that can be found on

Nextcoin, Nxt, Hosting, Dedicated servers

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Published on: December 30, 2013 by Marcus

DDOS attacks and the increase in frequency

If you are wondering what does DDOS stand for it is - Distribution Denial of Service. It is a technical term used to describe an unprecedented attack on a software, service or application over the internet. In computing terms, this attack happens when traffic is sent from a host computer to another network resource with the sole aim of blocking their services, so that it becomes occupied and cannot be accessed by genuine users. In layman terms, it’s basically a program that attacks another person’s website or application to incapacitate it from being used by its regular users. This is what makes the website or application inaccessible. These types of attack are very common with servers of banks, payment gateways and more. Over the last few years there has been a surge in these kind of attacks though initially there were a few isolated incidents reported. With the increase in the eCommerce industry and people using the internet for more and more purposes these attacks have become quiet bothersome.

Ddos attack, Ddos protection, Hosting, Server, Website

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Published on: December 24, 2013 by Marcus

Understanding ddos and protecting one’s system from it

What is ddos? A denial-of-service attack is n attempt by outside users to make the system unavailable to its attached users. It disconnects the services of the host to the internet. The Ddos or Distributed denial of service attack occurs when one or more web servers are under this attack. Ddos are more harmful as it becomes difficult to track it down through multiple machines. Since there are multiple machines attached tracking to which is the original computer causing the attack might be very difficult.

Hosting, Server, Ddos attack, Ddos protection

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Published on: December 18, 2013 by

What are DDOS attacks?

DDOS is an attack aimed at the main server running or hosting your website or application. It can prevent your users from accessing your website or application and can leave you running at a loss for losing out on site visitors. DDOS or DoS as they are commonly referred to as is the abbreviated form for Distributed Denial of Service or Denial or service. It is a specialized term used to depict an exceptional strike on a programming, administration or provision over the web. In computing terms, this assault happens when activity is sent from a particular server to an alternate host workstation with the sole point of obstructing their administrations, so it gets possessed and can't be gained entrance to by authentic clients. In layman terms, it’s fundamentally a project that launches a strike at an alternate individual's site or application to debilitate it from being utilized by its customary clients. This is the thing that makes the site or provision unavailable. These sorts of assaults are extremely regular with servers of banks, payment entryways and government websites. In the course of the most recent years there has been a surge in these sorts of assaults. With the increment in the eCommerce business and individuals utilizing the web for more purposes these ambushes have ended up very bothersome.

DDoS, DDoS attack, DDoS prevention

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Published on: December 16, 2013 by Marcus

You should know how to protect server from DDOS to keep your network infrastructure free from attacks. It may be the busiest day for your business, but your website may not be showing anywhere on the internet! Yes, it would happen, if you’re yet another victim of DDOS attack. In usual cases, it involves attacking an IP address with large amount of traffic that causes web server to be overwhelmed. The legal traffic server fails to contact, thereby making the website unavailable.

Ddos protection, Ddos, Ddos attack, Tips, Ddos prevention

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Published on: December 11, 2013 by Marcus

What does DDOS stand for?

DDOS or DOS stands for ‘Distribution denial of service’ or ‘Denial of Service’. If you are wondering what are DDOS attacks then read further. It is a malicious attack on your server which hosts your website or application and cripples it from functioning normally. This incapacitates the abilities of your host server or the Central Processing Unit of your computer and prevents it from being easily accessible to your users. For those of us who are non-technical people; a DDOS attack is simply a hostile attack on the server where a website or application is being run from. This attack prevents access to that particular site or application. It is done by sending a huge surge of traffic to the server of the website or app. Over the past few years there has been a considerable increase in these attacks and people and the servers are finding themselves more and more vulnerable to these attacks.

Ddos attack, Website, Application

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Published on: December 9, 2013 by Marcus

What are DDOS attacks?

A DDOS attack is when there is a strike at a host server to prevent an application or website from functioning normally. What happens is the accessibility to that server is blocked and no one can get through to the website or even the application. However, knowing the nuts and bolts of a DDOS, and being provided to manage a huge scale strike of this sort are likewise two altogether different things. While vast locales are regularly ambushed, it’s significant that those companies and systems do everything they can to redirect them and remain receptive, even under substantial burdens. What's more regardless of the possibility that you administer a more modest site, for instance a little business can never know when somebody will choose to attack you. We should see a portion of the essential items behind what a DDOS verifiably is, and a few strategies that could be utilized to verify your system and know how to block DDOS attacks.

Ddos attack, Ddos protection, Ddos mitigation

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Published on: December 4, 2013 by Mike

DDOS, which is an acronym for Distributed Denial of Service, are the attacks that can result in heavy business loss. They turn out to be very expensive for any business if considered in terms of lost revenue and added expenditure on the recovery and protection. A major question, how to stop ddos attacks can be answered through various means such as firewalls, switches and other sorts of intrusion analyzing programs.

Ddos protection ddos mitigation, Ddos attack

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Published on: December 2, 2013 by Marcus

There are various website attacks that you want to fight and protect against, but the DDOS attacks are ones that you have be extra careful and alert about as these are the serious threats for any online business. These attacks have the capability of eating up and consuming your bandwidth, which can cost you a fortune to recover. If your server is hit by a DDOS attack, it can restrict you from generating sales and sign ups. It can also slow down or completely stop your site’s accessibility. And this can happen to any website, even to the big large scale ones even after spending a lot on protection. 

Ddos attack, Ddos protection, Mitigation provider, Hosting

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Published on: November 28, 2013 by Marcus

There are many out there who want to know the answer to “what is DDOS”; though it is no secret and the world knows about it, not everyone who uses web and websites are aware of DDOS, which stands for distributed denial of service. These have become a very common form of threat on Internet and it is extremely important to know how to mitigate DDOS attack if you have a website or a web based business. One of the right ways to do this is to choose the right mitigating provider, which is obviously not a very simple job. You need a heads-up for the same and we give you just that right here. 

Following are the questions and their answers that you should get from your mitigation provider to be sure that they really know how to prevent DDOS. 

Mitigation provider, Ddos protection, Ddos attack

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